Better at home….
Work from home….
I’m the person who needs my space just ‘right’ before I start working.
To be entirely honest it’s actually obnoxious how annoying I am about my work flow energy.
Candles have to be lit, not too sweet, not too floral-y. R & B or smooth jazz needs to be playing softly. I prefer the windows open a bit & lots of sunshine. My to-do lists needs to be laid out next to my day planner. Even my pen needs to be the right pen.
Call me psycho but I feel like a lot of people are like this?
It’s almost impossible for me to get into a creative flow if the mood is off in the office.
You’re all probably like “SHUT UP WE GET IT, LAURYN.” But I cannot stress how amazing a laptop stand is. Really though, it has helped with my posture. I am trying to get my whole family on this bandwagon. If you have a laptop stand, you totally understand this obsession. When I’m blogging, I NEED it.
We’ve talked atmosphere many times but I just want to really reiterate the importance of office atmosphere. Sometimes a bit of soft jazz & a Full Moon Candle can make a world of difference. Sometimes I buy these bright yellow tulips from Whole Foods ( they’re like $8 dollars and just really brighten the whole house ). Adding them to my office creates a happy, pretty vibe.
Also, having the right pen, the proper desk calendar, file folders, highlighters, and stapler handy help too.
One thing to point out: I like a clear desk. I used to have so much shit on my desk. Not anymore. I keep it simple with my to-do list, a candle, & my computer. A clean desk= a clean mind.
During work hours, I really clear it off. Is anyone else like this? Desk clutter just doesn’t work for me when I’m trying to bang stuff out.